Wild Orange Official Blog

Wild Orange Artists and Wild Orange Asia official blog.


Last night the Arclight in Hollywood was quite busy. With 2 different screenings occurring along with their normal theater showtimes, "Suffragette" was, hands-down, the most popular. It was announced earlier that Meryl Streep was to do a Q&A that evening along with Carey Mulligan. However, due to reasons unknown, Ms. Streep was unable to attend and it was just the lovely Ms. Mulligan who answered questions for the audience. The line was truly very, very long. So long that as it went past a sushi restaurant, my friend and I couldn't help but notice its Happy Hour. But not tonight.

The movie in itself was quite interesting. In American History, we have focused so much on the time period of slaves that we have brushed the other minority class aside: women. This film highlights the feminist movement in Britain before World War I. Amazing performances by Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter, Brendan Gleeson, Ben Whishaw, and child actor Adam Michael Dodd.

Afterwards, the Q&A with Carey Mulligan was a treat for the audience. Not only was Ms. Mulligan looking amazing 5 weeks after giving birth, she told us a true story re: Meryl Streep and her character.


(No spoilers) Apparently, the scene that Streep's character addresses the audience, none of the extras knew that Streep herself would be the one coming out through the doors. Therefore, when she does make her entrance, the audience's reaction is VERY, VERY REAL. In Mulligan's words, "It wasn't acting; it was REACTING."

For a thought-provoking movie on the hardships of what women had to endure to attain equal voting rights as men, please go check this movie out. I sense a feminist movement will be on Hollywood's mind for awhile now. (^_^)


And of course, this screening being hosted by the Arclight meant its trademark wardrobe display was present and the one for "Suffragette" was done quite well.

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One of our clients, Akihiko Matsumoto composed the soundtrack for the film "Slender." It has now received an exclusive announcement with a major horror website, Dread Central.

With AFM 2015 close at hand, this is a great opportunity for this film to gain traction and exposure.

To see the trailer, click here.

"Slender" directed by Eric Pham, music composed by Akihiko Matsumoto! Congratulations! We are so proud of you!


昨年の9月にシンガポールで撮影した作品”In the Room”が、ついに完成し、日の目を見ることになりました!


”In the Room”は複数の短いエピソードから成るオムニバス映画で、シンガポールに実在したホテルの1室が舞台。


”In the Room”は撮影がとても巧妙に計画されていて、

今年は”In the Room”のエグゼクティブプロデューサーを務めたナンサン・シーさんが、

検閲が厳しいシンガポールでどこまで公開されるかが、今”In the Room”にとってはキモとなっています。

Yesterday evening was one of those screenings that had a certain level of warmth and encouragement for all those who attended. "Masterless" premiered at the Egyptian Theater with sold out seats. Director/Writer Craig Shimahara was present as well as the cast and crew.

2 years ago, Yumi Takada cast this film and as her assistant, I had the best of times reading with the actors. To see the vision and artistic process all culminate into this final product was quite rewarding so I could only imagine how it must have felt for the filmmakers involved.

The imdb link to Masterless: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3417172/

With Kaho Minami...

 Seeing my name on the big screen stirs up all kinds of happy feelings!

Casting Director: Yumi Takada
Director: Craig Shimahara
Casting Assistant: Kali Chung

 Dress and Ring by BCBG

"Masterless" has received international distribution and will be available via online platforms. Go check it out!

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